Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 IMAGES my 10 images are kinda all over the place. I like so many things and interested in everything! If you were to come into my apartment--there is a little bit of everything. I LOVE..LOVE..LOVE it all. I am drawn to birds--of all kinds. The sparrow is my favorite of all--I believe that sparrows have magical powers and when you encounter one..there is an exchange that goes on. SIDE NOTE* I'm so drawn to birds because it is my spirit animal. For about 2 years now I have been interested in shrines--It will be a nice experiment to bring it over digitally. I enjoy paper work for the reason that sometimes you have nothing else to use, and still can make beautiful art. The 3 paintings I chose are cute and fun--which I haven't mastered yet.


  1. I LOVE the middle six or so of your photos. especially the 3rd and 4th. They look like layered paper or something. really 3-dimensional.

  2. You have chosen a very beautiful print for you first piece. The rest are a awesome little designs. Good Stuff.

  3. I'm impressed with the red one you did about three or four down. Most of the pictures you chose are more sculptural or photography.

  4. feelin the shrines! you should check out Ordo Templis Ordo and aleister crowley (his books, religious affiliations, etc), pretty intense stuff.

  5. im pretty sure i have seen the third image or a version of it, in nashville. its really interesting in real life, it looks like arteries or something.
